Looking to Buy a Garden Shed in Canberra?

Free Home Delivery

The price you see is the price you pay delivered to your home. No more to pay!

Don't wait weeks, we can get you your shed in as little as 3-5 working days.

In the past, finding a reputable garden shed supplier in the Canberra area was often incredibly difficult and frustrating.

Trips to the hardware store, trying to find an assistant, and then getting reliable information can be a real trial. And then you find that the shed you want will take 6 weeks to order and deliver to Canberra, what a pain and waste of time!

Not anymore. Unlike most shed makers who have a range of 20-30 shed variations, we have over 3,000 different shed variations, so you are bound to find a shed that fits your space. What's more we offer free home delivery, no matter where you live in Canberra.

Use the shed selector to build your garden shed online in 5 mouse clicks.

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Skillion Garden Shed Features

Garden shed features skillion

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Gable Garden Shed Features

Garden shed features gable

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